Category Archives: Games

¡¿Ajedrez en Seúl?!

¿Y qué demonios hago yo jugando a ajedrez con Oh Chimin, 7 dan en baduk? Pues resulta que hace unos días el jefe de la escuela a la que vamos a estudiar baduk descubrió por casual que yo sé jugar bastante a ajedrez (era uno de mis hobbies hasta que descubrí el Go). Así que… Read More »

Paseo de Sábado con Oh Chimin

Oh Chimin se ofreció a pasearnos hoy por Seúl. Al final se nos ha unido otro coreano, un tipo bastante despistado, que sin embargo es 4 dan… milagros de la educación coreana. El lugar para pasear durante la mañana ha sido uno que Chimin tampoco conocía, Samcheong-dong. Es un barrio sobre la faldas de varias… Read More »

A poet who invented the game of Hex

“NAIVE. Naive you are if you believe life favours those who aren’t naive.” – Piet Hein It’s curious to see that some very logical people are poets and abstract creators (maths, music, games, etc) at the same time. Peeking at Piet Hein’s biography, inventor of the game of Hex (also independently invented by John Nash),… Read More »

A galactic empire of data

Speaking with a friend, an old game came to my mind. 15 years ago I started playing “Elite II“, a space trade game, probably one of the firsts where there is no final objective, just interaction with the world. You could trade items between star systems, do all kind of jobs, improve your ship getting… Read More »


In the last few months I’ve played some games of Diplomacy on an online server called phpDiplomacy. You can reach me out there as “liopic“. Diplomacy is a strategic board game that represent the position of European powers before the World War I. You start leading one of the seven powers, moving a really small… Read More »