Category Archives: Do-it-yourself


Weekend DIY

This weekend is longer, due to the national day of Catalonia festivity. I wanted to compose some music, but I had an ergonomic problem: one of my synthesizers was in an uncomfortable place. This was an excellent excuse to some DIY! Step 1: The ingredients I bought some handles and some “L” supports from Carrefour,… Read More »

Productive weekend

This is the last weekend before my birthday (on Tuesday I’ll be 29). I wanted to make the most of these days doing some things… For example, on Saturday I was doing some DIY, painting a small table in blue which I found some days ago. It was not really clean, so I followed my… Read More »

Holidays off

I came back to Barcelona. Holiday time was over. Again to work, to take the metro, to cross among dozens of people in the street. When I arrived I felt like empty, but in a few hours Barcelona filled me with this magic it has. To start with, I had 3 laundries, lots of housework,… Read More »

Biological cleaning

A month ago I drunk the last tea from my old teapot. I neglected it in a corner of the kitchen, with some water and green tea leaves. I thought the cheap iron that it was made of was too old, and the teas didn’t taste good. Today I thought of giving it a second… Read More »

Mi mano por una puerta

En la práctica de bricolaje de hoy vamos a hacer: Una mano llena de cortes (curtida, curtida, oiga!) Necesitamos: una puerta rota que deseemos cambiar, taladradora con disco de lija, cepillo de carpintero, un par de bisagras, tornillos, y por supuesto, una mano inexperta. El primer paso es encontrar, de casualidad, una puerta en perfecto… Read More »

Color en la Cocina

El “briconsejo” de hoy es fácil: Se toma un calendario del año pasado, con coloristas fotos de frutas; se recorta cada hoja con las mismas dimensiones, y se coloca en una fea pared. ¿Resultado? Luz y color a raudales, sin más.


Problema: se tiene una barra (de las que llaman “americana”) en la cocina de casa, y se quiere usar para desayunar, pero no se tiene una silla alta. Solución: ¡Bricolage casero! Elementos necesarios: 4 maderas recogidas de la calle (dos de ellas de las mismas dimensiones), 11 tornillos, 1 lapiz, y una taladradora comprada a… Read More »