Last January I brought my keyboard to the technical service, due to a small problem with the data-wheel. I can also program it with the numeric keyboard it has, but it’s quicker to use the data-wheel as the input device. They said it’d be repaired in 2 or 3 weeks.
One month later I called them, and they said they were waiting for the piece from the supplier. They said they will call me, but it didn’t happen.
One month later, they told me the same problem. They said, again, they will call me, but it didn’t happen.
Two weeks ago the boss of the service said their supplier hadn’t the piece, so they can try with a similar piece, but probably they can not repair my toy. They said they will call me, but …
Last week I got angry, and I phoned them. The receptionist said: “I’m sorry but the boss isn’t here now, we’ll call you”. “No, wait, it’s not necessary because I want to go this evening or tomorrow to pick it up, because you can’t repair it”, I added. She got surprised and said: “wait a moment”. Seems she spoke with somebody and after that she said to me: “I asked one of our experts, and it seems there is a way to repair it, I’ll call you later with more information”. And she called !!
Today I went to pick it up, repaired. It cost me 73 euro. And 5 months… this is the way Spanish people works… they only take you into consideration if you get angry and put lot of pressure on them. As always, Spain is different!