Is it me or is Barcelona a surprising city where you can get a good job in less than 2 weeks?
10 days ago I decided to look for a new job. I chose just some interesting companies, I sent my CV and… suddenly, everybody was trying to set me job interviews. It looks like my skills are highly demanded. In one week I was interviewed by 4 different companies, and got offers from all of them. So it was not easy decision.
From now on I’m a phpauction-guy. Good salary, good people, real flexible timetable, options for remote-work, and a challenging project based on a open-source product. The future is now!
It looks like a very nice opportunity…! And your new office is in El Raval, which is quite nice.
By the way, your “fitxatge” hasn’t been published in their homepage yet.
Congratulations… you have to tell me how to get 4 interviews requests in one week…
Como soy el único, que escribe en idioma diferente, allá va.
Felicidades por encontrar un trabajo en linea con lo que deseabas.
Es difícil trabajar en lo que a uno le gusta. Suerte
Ja diràs per on pares!
Fenomenu que ets un fenomenu! Buscar curro i trobar-lo en aquesta època és de fenomenu! Aqui s’està començant a fer criba!! jurl jurl!