The curse of the men’s underwear

By | 2006-08-10

One of the most impossible things to find in this life is decent men’s underwear. With “decent” I mean slips or boxers which are neither flat white, nor “gay” multicoloured. Where can I find a nice green or orange slips, please?

In Barcelona I go shopping sometimes, but fashion shops don’t have a lot of options to choose from. Normally the shop space is mostly filled with ladies’ clothes, and “the rest” with men’s. In fact you usually have to go upstairs to the tiny men’s section, and look for the incredible small underwear section… where you don’t usually find anything interesting.

Today I tried to look for some underwear in UK. It was a surprise to find a shop with a big underwear section (upstairs, of course), with a 4×2 metres wall only filled with these things. Sadly, there weren’t “different” colors, but only white and black. Five shops later I didn’t find anything, still. Finally I came back without new underwear (only with a couple of egg-yellow socks).

Women, do you understand now why men don’t like to go shopping? 🙁

2 thoughts on “The curse of the men’s underwear

  1. Rubén

    Vaya tela Julio 😀 Yo tengo unos ‘gayumbos’ naranajas, y varios de colores no-blanco/negro… pero son de marca bastante pija (en el Corte Ingles he visto de esa marca.. no la pongo para no hacer propaganda infiltrada) Mi tia tiene una tienda de ropa interior y me salen gratis ejje

  2. Tyler

    We’ve just started a blog, so I’ve been searching around to see what people have to say about men’s underwear. I’m happy to say that it sounds like we have exactly what you’re looking for at! Have you tried Papi underwear or anything from Mundo Unico? We’ve had tons of people tell us they love C-IN2’s line of Bamboo underwear (I’ll offer a personal testimonial that this stuff is my new favorite) and they’ll also be offering new spring fashion colors as a twist on their classic cotton line.

    Check us out – I hate to think of you stuck in boring black and white…



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