Finally on holidays!
To start with, I’m going to stay in Bournemouth (in the south of UK) for 2 weeks. I have just arrived and everything seems fabulous. The people, the house, the neighbourhood. Anyway I have to change 2 things in my mind, quickly: 1st is to think in pounds (not in euros) and 2nd to think they drive on the opposite side (so I have to take care, even though I’m only a pedestrian).
The first surprise here was a thing they said: “your English is good, so why do you need to come here?”. Oh God! Everybody says my English is quite good, but I still feel it’s not enough. Anyway I’m expecting to improve a lot in the next 2 weeks 🙂
Disfruta las vacaciones! Y siempre pensaras que tu inglés es mucho peor de lo que los otros piensan: tu acento no es como el suyo, pero ellos se sorprenden al entenderte perfectamente. Chovinismo anglófono, creo que los franceses son los únicos ‘extranjeros’ que no te dicen que hablas bien su idioma.
Por cierto, me recomiendas ‘Opnening theory made easy’? Hoy me aburría y le he echado un ojo a tu page en la SL.
Sure!! (tanto al chovinismo como al libro)
eso aprovecha las holidays!!!! 😉
Por cierto al final terminé aquello de la parábola, merci tio!
pues eso , nos vemos a la vuelta, disfruta!