Advanced Beauty

By | 2008-11-20

This title is a bit pretentious, but “Advanced Beauty is an ongoing exploration of digital artworks born and influenced by sound, an ever-growing collaboration between programmers, artists, musicians, animators and architects”. Concretely it’s a collection of 18 abstract videos where the image plays with the music (or probably just the inverse). Let’s see one of my favourites:

This reminds me the satisfaction you get when you program something visual. You normally program to get data, or process data or whatever; data which is in the shape of numbers or strings… sometimes this is so boring. But if you directly program and tweak curves, colors and motion, you can never get bored doing this visual stuff.

Cause first human sense is vision.

2 thoughts on “Advanced Beauty

  1. Rubén

    I share your idea of visual things. They are the best! Although I didn’t like the music… the video was OK, but too long for my tastes.

    By the way, oh great guru, I’m about to rewrite a webpage and add some “style” to it ( Any suggestions? I don’t want it to look like my own homepage there ( but I like CSS style menus and these things. Any suggestion?

  2. Julio Post author

    Think about colours (warm and cold colours, which do you need?), about shapes (lines or curves), about creating contrast to split things or no contrast to keep unity, about margins and shades, and subtle patterns (as background, for example). Try to help the eye, leading it to a natural path (I mean, most important parts like titles or keypoints should “touch” the eye).

    Well, but don’t use these suggestions all together!

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