Some months ago I deleted my facebook account. And some weeks ago I removed my account on friendfeed. Why? Despite I liked it, I found out that it took me a lot of time.
Actually the problem is simpler that you could expect: friendfeed is a too good aggregator. That is, it posts all the pictures you add on flickr, and all the entries you do on twitter. And sometimes I wanted to have my “stream” summarized somehow, so I got used to remove quite a lot of the friendfeed’s posts manually. Finally I gave up.
However I think it is a good idea to have some kind of “clippings” manager. And friendfeed was good for this. But I wonder if it’s better to publish here all kind of things, or keep my blog with just my own ideas and set a “clippings” site somewhere else. So for the moment I’m trying the second option, and I created an account on is quite similar to friendfeed, but a bit more focused in just posting clips and less in the feed aggregator and commenting stuff. Let’s see if this fits my logic.