The last days of holidays

By | 2007-08-19

World and scissorsOne thing to see during summer in Barcelona is the streets’ decoration of the Gracia’s festivals. I spent the Saturday morning walking around this neighborhood, being annoyed by the subtle rain. As previous years, the inhabitants of the streets have created an imaginative world, using only old plastic bottles and other recycled stuff as the raw materials. It’s always enjoyable to have a walk there, entering into each street’s world.

Tea samplesAnd the best way to spend the evening during summer in Barcelona is just enjoying an ice tea. Jordi and I went to a really nice tea salon (& shop) hidden on one tight street in the Gothic square. Speaking about life, work, girls and Go, the evening passes as quickly as the people on the street… but the slowness of our tea relaxes us.

6 thoughts on “The last days of holidays

  1. Rubén

    Per curiositat, com es diu la botiga de te? (&& carrer?) I com curiositat 2 com a gran coneixedor de Bcn que ets… saps de cap botiga turca//botiga de cafès? Em vull comprar una cafetera turca, però sembla il·localitzable!!!!

  2. Julio Post author

    1- Albertillo ja ho ha dit… i això que jo volia mantindre el secret!
    2- NPI

  3. Rubén

    Val, pensava que la resposta de l’Alberto era una anada d’olla sense cap mena de sentit xD. M’has fallat com coneixedor de Bcn… Bon final de vacances per cert, que no vaig pensar en dir-t’ho al començar.

  4. JJC

    Ei, vaig disfrutar-ho molt jo també!

    Sembla que no podré tornar a Dublín fins el Diumenge, així que espero que podrem jugar alguna partidilla. Potser demà em passi per La Pedra…

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