This weekend has changed its look & feel. Now you can see more information about the music you are listening to. And there are new features! They create a “recommendation radio”, where you can hear new music, and they add a pretty nice fader to filter songs, from popular to obscure. Great! Even more, they have just released a new player, with more options. A really good job from crew. I have decided to subscribe when I return from my holidays.
By the way, I have discovered I’m in three “top fans” lists from different bands: Tindersticks (the best chamber pop), Los Planetas (an alternative indie spanish group) and Kepa Junkera (folk music from the Basque Country). I didn’t expected to be so freaky!!
Finally, I have to comment something. Sometimes, especially when I’m listening to ambient music, suddenly I would like to make some music. But now I have a lot of work to do (I want to finish a friend’s website), and little time, so I have to prioritize, what a shame, why don’t we have more time?