Category Archives: Professional


The big IEEE fault

Somebody sent me a link to an article about Computer Go, appeared in the “IEEE Spectrum” magazine. It’s quite unbelievable that the author (who was involved in the Deep Blue development) wrote this overall article about the subject, mostly focusing the solution in brute-force… “Brute-force computation has eclipsed humans in chess, and it could soon… Read More »

The cooking company

Imagine a big restaurant, with a lot of cooks. There are some bosses managing all the work: assigning the dishes to the individual cooks. So far, this seems quite correct. But imagine the bosses decide to start a individual plate with 3 cooks, who start to heat the frying pan, and then the bosses decide… Read More »

Helping your online reading

Recently I was asked about different issues regarding NLP, due to my PhD studies in that field, and I’ve started reading again about this… Natural Language Processing is a part of the Artificial Intelligence which studies how a computer could understand natural human languages, like English. There are a lot of subjects in NLP, but… Read More »

Barcelona doesn’t like non-ancient mathematicians

Doing some Sunday morning random surf on the net, I found somebody trying to take pictures of streets named after mathematicians in Paris. I started wondering how many streets could I find here in Barcelona with the same subject… No Gauss, Laplace, Euler or Pointcaré… just Archimedes, Pythagoras and some more greek friends. Obviously, with… Read More »